Monday, February 8, 2010

That`s What Happen...

"There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills."
Siddhārtha Gautama

i don`t know why, but,
i feel like something is wrong,
why do i feel so lonely lately?

what happen to me? why do i doubt them?
most of my friend...
like there was something wrong with them,
or.. is it me?

i`m fast to critic, fast to hate,
and never to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
maybe it is me.

someday, just wait, someday
i`ll try. i`ll try.

thanks for being my friends,

p/s: that`s what happen when you hate people- they hate you back.


Azreen Farihah said...

kita mmg xleh kawal 100% sifat+perangai+kelakuan kita.. so,sbg seorg mnusia yg diciptakan pnuh dgn kekurangan, kita plu sedar yang xde org yg sempurna.. xadil la, kita mengharapkan kesempurnaan drpd org laen, sedangkan kita tau kita sendiri pn byk khilafnya.. walau apepun ksilapan yg org buat kat kita, or kite buat kat org, masih ada jln pnyelesaiannya..

ucpan 'maaf' 2,sgt manis.. 2la hikmah setiap kesilapan..

psst : maaf,terckp byk plk.. =)

asy.z said...

huhu.. xpe, thanks azreen.. i appreciate your commen.. :)

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